Brand Concept
"Proposing elevated real clothes that not only exist in a moment in time but also remain in one's wardrobe and memories, based on the principles of 'creativity', 'elegance', and 'tradition'. "
Base on setting high standard of materials quality and putting high requirement of specifications and pattern technic to create contemporary style clothing.
茅野 誉之/チノ タカユキ
2003 | 3月文化服装学院ファッション工科専門課程アパレルデザイン科卒業 |
2004 | 3月文化ファッションビジネススクール修了(現文化ファッション大学院大学) |
2007 | MOULD創業 |
2008 | 2008-09A/Wより前身となるブランドを始動 |
2014 | 14S/Sコレクションよりブランド名を“CINOH(チノ)”に改称 |
2014 | 株式会社モールド設立 |
2018 | 18SSコレクションよりメンズラインをスタート |
2018 | TOKYO FASHION AWRARD 2019受賞 |
2019 | 渋谷パルコに1号展オープン |
2022 | 表参道ヒルズに直営店オープン |
Chino Takayuki
2003 | Graduated from Bunka Fashion College apparel design department |
2004 | Graduated from Fashion technology department of Bunka Fashion graduate University |
2008 | Started the lady’s brand during the 2008-2009 AW |
2014 | Renamed the brand as CINOH at the collection 2014SS |
2014 | Founded the limited liability company MOULD |
2018 | Started men's line from 18SS collection |
2018 | Winner of TOKYO FASHION AWRARD 2019 |
2019 | The first store opened in Shibuya Parco |
2022 | Opened Omotesando Hills store |